• by Ibtisam Barakat

    As a story assigned to young readers in public school classrooms, there are serious concerns about messages of “Uncle Meena” on the Arab-Israeli conflict, Jewish history, and American Jews.

  • by Reem Kassis, illustrated by Noha Eilouti

    Introducing children to Palestinian culture by presenting the people’s food, crafts and customs is a time-honored way to broaden the knowledge of young readers. But erasing a people’s history, as We Are Palestinian does to Jews, is promoting a lie, and has no place in any children’s book.

  • by Jacquetta Nammar Feldman

    Children’s books aiming at even-handedness on the Arab-Israeli conflict usually fail – as novels, because they’re didactic, and as political tracts, because they’re inaccurate. This book is a case in point.

  • by Anthony Robinson and Annemarie Young

    Young readers can learn empathy when they listen to the voices of their contemporaries from other cultures. But when the words they hear are full of lies and distortions, they’re not learning empathy – they’re learning hatred.

  • by Eman Kourtam

    Authors of picture books often seek to glorify their vision of moral courage. However, when an author’s vision relies on antisemitic stereotypes and inaccurate history, the resulting picture book will be offensive and even dangerous.

Featured author: Naomi shihab nye

Maligning Israel for young readers

The books we read as children stay with us all our lives. In our earliest stories, big, bad wolves threaten innocent children – and few of us grow up with warm, fuzzy feelings about wolves. Replace that wolf with an Israeli soldier, and you have an indelible image. That is the danger of the writings of Palestinian-American children’s poet and novelist Naomi Shihab Nye.