• The Forgotten Refugees

    Directed by Michael Grynszpan
    Produced by The David Project and IsraTV
    49 minutes, English

    The film explores the history and destruction of Middle Eastern Jewish communities, some of which had existed for over 2,500 years.Featuring testimony from Jews who fled Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco and Iran, the film explores the rich heritage and destruction of the Middle East’s age-old Jewish communities. Personal stories of refugees are interspersed with dramatic archival footage, including the mission to rescue Yemenite Jews.

  • The Stones Cry Out

    Produced and Distributed by Yasmine Perni English 56 minutes

    Yasmine Perni’s 2013 movie “The Stones Cry Out” allows influential and seasoned pro-Palestinian activists to present an emotionally charged, one-sided story of Palestinian Christians devoid of historical context and facts.