Teachers Unions, created to protect educators’ rights, have too often become vehicles for activists to introduce anti-Zionist polemics into K-12 classrooms. CAMERA monitors, researches and exposes these activities.

News and Commentary

  • Will an Education Union Turn Against Israel?

    Algemeiner – Some members of the National Education Association (NEA) — the largest labor union in the country — want to turn America’s public school teachers against Israel. The NEA has over three million members, and exercises profound influence over America’s public schools. If certain NEA members are able to turn the union against Israel, there will be an indoctrination campaign against the Jewish state unlike any before seen in the US school system.

Is there biased teaching in your school?

We can help


CAMERA has produced a factual recounting of Israel’s ancient and modern history, geography and cultural diversity,  suited to public and private schools, religious groups, and community organizations.