Ethnic Studies is a relatively young academic area that emphasizes divisions among groups and accentuates grievances and resentment of the white majority. Its unifying theme is that American society exploits ethnic minorities. CAMERA monitors this educational endeavor and exposes its biased, anti-Zionist dimensions.

news and commentary

  • Ethnic Studies: Evidence-Based Curriculum, or CRT Trojan Horse?

    Real Clear Politics – Ethnic Studies (ES) is proliferating in public schools in blue states. Proponents of Ethnic Studies argue that it’s an “evidence-based” best practice. Critics allege that it’s a Trojan Horse for racialized neo-Marxist ideology. Who has the better argument?

  • UC Admission Mandate is Not Just Biased Against Jews, It’s Also Unconstitutional

    Jewish Journal – The proposed new admissions requirement will require that each prospective UC student complete a high school ethnic studies course that will likely be in line with a model curriculum that is openly antisemitic.

  • Studies Fail to Support Claims of New California Ethnic Studies Requirement

    Tablet – A law mandating the course for all public high school students is based on two unreplicated studies that distort the data

  • Proposed Ethnic Studies Curriculum in Massachusetts Sparks Controversy

    CAMERA – Massachusetts teachers unions along with various ethnic and racial organizations are advocating for an Ethnic Studies curriculum in public schools similar to what now exists in California.

  • It’s Ethnic Studies ‘Groundhog Day,’ This Time in Massachusetts

    Algemeiner – Just like in California, the ethnic studies curriculum proposed by a Massachusetts bill is a radical and highly politicized “critical approach” that dominates the college ethnic studies scene and is now infiltrating K-12 classrooms. It is rooted in antisemitic portrayals of Jews and the Jewish state of Israel.

  • San Diego School District Passes Resolution to Include Antisemitism in Ethnic Studies

    Jewish Journal –The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Board of Trustees passed a resolution on October 26 to include the teaching of antisemitism in the ethnic studies curriculum.

liberated ethnic studies

Liberated Ethnic Studies (LES) is a more extreme version of Ethnic Studies that promotes a Marxist orientation centered on racial identity. LES promotes student and teacher activism against traditional American ideals and institutions. Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish themes are often a core component of this agenda. CAMERA documents and exposes the goals, methods and activities of this project.

Special Report:
Anti-Semitism in Ethnic Studies

In another revealing exposé, CAMERA uncovers the frightening direction of Liberated Ethnic Studies into the antizionism/antisemitism that poisons the minds of young Americans towards the Jewish state and its supporters.

news and commentary

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