Some faculty members have themselves been the victims of antisemitism and discrimination while others have supported anti-Jewish bias. The responses by university administrators have also varied considerably. CAMERA monitors instances of antisemitism and anti-Zionist attacks on campus and provides informational and strategic support to students, faculty members and administrators.

News and Commentary

  • Israel Studies has an Israel Problem

    It’s hardly news that Middle Eastern departments on college and university campuses have long been vehemently hostile to the Jewish state. But what about Israel Studies? The height of the latest round of conflict between Israel and Gaza last year, some 200 Israel and Jewish Studies scholars signed an open letter condemning Israel’s conduct.

  • The Modern Language Association, Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism

    Fathom Journal – Now the MLA’s main governing body, the Executive Council, has joined with its Committee on Academic Freedom to endorse anti-Zionist complaints about the most widely adopted definition of contemporary antisemitism.

  • Middle East Professors Boycott Israel — Where’s the Moral Outrage?

    Algemeiner – In March 2022, the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) voted to endorse an academic boycott of Israel. Unlike the ASA’s symbolic boycott, MESA’s embrace of academic BDS couldn’t be more consequential.


  • White Supremacy And The Jews: The Dispute Over A Music Theorist

    CAMERA – Given the anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories that have been used against Jews for centuries, it’s unsurprising that critical race theory (CRT) provides a convenient guise to attack Jews today. A case in point is the dispute over the legacy of Heinrich Schenker, a Jewish music theorist from Galicia who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century.

  • A USC Student Tweeted ‘Kill Every Motherf**ing Zionist.’ Zionist Faculty are Unhappy With USC’s Response.

    Forward – A group of University of Southern California faculty members are demanding the school take action against a Palestinian student who posted several antisemitic tweets, including one saying she wanted “to kill every motherf——-g Zionist.”

  • Five Things Oberlin Students Need To Know About Professor Mahallati

    CAMERA – Oberlin College is defending one of its professors, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, a former Iranian diplomat. He stands accused of helping to cover up the mass killings of thousands of dissidents and members of the Baha’i faith at a notorious prison massacre that took place in Iran in 1988.

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CAMERA on Campus provides assistance to students through the CAMERA Supported Group and CAMERA Fellowship programs.

This includes guidance in finding and connecting with speakers or films, planning and creating events, funding for student groups, and addressing Middle East distortions in campus publications, flyers, rallies, and classroom teaching.