CAMERA Education Institute
reports and Reference Guide
Updated: New Visions Curriculum Promotes a Distorted View of Israel
CAMERA – New Visions for Public Schools normally provides high quality educational resources. Unfortunately, their lessons on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fall short.
UPDATE: New Visions has removed these lessons and is in the process of rewriting them.
The Real Threat to Academic Freedom at Cornell University
CAMERA – Academic freedom is an important value that must be protected. That includes protection against those who would exploit their freedom to undermine academic integrity and the academic freedom of others from within. At Cornell University, that threat is emerging.
Radicals Tried and Failed to Expel CAMERA From A Teachers’ Convention
CAMERA – A call for book-burning at the 2024 NCTE annual convention highlights the attempt by anti-Zionist activists to control the narrative. After failing to pressure the NCTE into cancelling CAMERA’s inclusion in the convention with defamatory claims against CEI, the same activists are now campaigning to stigmatize the teacher’s council.
BDS Lies: Exposing 45 False Claims in the Brown University Divestment Proposal
CAMERA – To correct the record, CAMERA joined with several Brown University alumni to put together a submission in opposition to divestment. The submission, delivered on August 30, identifies a total of 45 false claims made in BDC’s proposal, debunking each in turn.
Teachers Union Threatens To Sue Critics After Putting Radical Activist In Charge of Israel Curriculum
The Daily Wire – The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) is threatening to sue Republican state lawmakers who condemned its appointment of Ricardo Rosa, citing his anti-Israel and anti-American rhetoric. CAMERA’s Jany Finkielsztein told the Daily Wire that her proposal for a teacher workshop was likely rejected by the MTA due to conflicts with Rosa’s narrative.
“Turning Classrooms Into Arenas Of Radicalism”: Teachers Union Tasks Anti-Israel Activist To Create Curriculum About Israel
The Daily Wire – Jany Finkielsztein, a former instructional coach for the Waltham public schools who retired last year and is a senior education analyst with CAMERA Education Institute, said Rosa’s social media posts about the United States and Israel reveal his “commitment to transforming classrooms into arenas of radicalism.”
The University of Minnesota’s Cynical Holocaust Studies Hire
CAMERA – The University of Minnesota is set to hire, as its new director for the Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies, an individual who would serve better as a case study on the persistence of genocidal antisemitism than as credible researcher of it.
CAMERA Education Institute Reference Guide
CAMERA – The CAMERA Education Institute confronts antisemitism and anti-Zionism in American education and promotes accurate and complete information about Israel and the Jewish people in the classroom. We provide guidance and resources for parents, students, and educators addressing these problems.
Massachusetts Teachers Association Anti-Racism Task Force Webinar Riddled with Distortions and Falsehoods
CAMERA – The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), the largest teachers union in Massachusetts, hosted a webinar that featured three anti-Israel activists as its main speakers and was facilitated by a former MTA president who is also an anti-Israel activist.
MTA Fights Racism with Anti-Semitism?
Minding the Campus – Just two months after the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) voted in favor of a ceasefire resolution labeling Israel’s defensive war against Hamas as “a genocidal war on the Palestinian people,” the union has once again engaged in the demonization and delegitimization of Israel.
CAMERA Education Institute Statement on Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Webinar
CAMERA – Just two months after the Massachusetts Teachers Association voted in favor of a ceasefire resolution labeling Israel’s defensive war against Hamas as “a genocidal war on the Palestinian people,” the union has once again engaged in the demonization and delegitimization of Israel.
Sawsan Jaber: Propagandist and Educational Leader
CAMERA – Dr. Sawsan Jaber, who has served in a number of leadership positions within the field of education, abuses her position of prominence by disseminating virulent antisemitic and anti-Israel messages in her professional work and on social media.
Brown University’s Choices Curriculum is a Platform for an Anti-Zionist Narrative
CAMERA – CAMERA has just published its investigation of the Choices Program’s curriculum pertaining to Zionism, Israel and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Replete with historical revisionism and anti-Zionist tropes, it whitewashes Palestinian aggression and terrorism, erases Hamas’ stated goals and genocidal intent and portrays the existence of the Jewish state as illegitimate. Such a curriculum can only fuel the growing antisemitism in U.S. classrooms.
Unmasking Antisemitism in Ethnic Studies
CAMERA Op-Ed – Ethnic Studies activists promoting a version of Marxism and hyper-divisive racial categorizing are seeking to overturn American society. A unifying theme in the agendas of these activists is their shared hostility towards the Jewish people, evinced by their vilification of the world’s sole Jewish state, Israel.

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